Sunday, 7 November 2021

(SERMON) Matthew 15.29 - 16.12 The ingredients of a saint

New Sermon upload from this Sunday where I was covering at a church for a friend in isolation.

In Matthew 15.29-16.12 we encounter a simple recipe for making a Christian believer--a saint.
It starts with real compassion, a movement of the heart towards the poor and needy.
Then there is the knowledge of Jesus and the truth--but not just an empty head knowledge.
Finally there is the most important ingredient, the one which brings it all together and that which the pharisees got wrong: faith. We need faith in Jesus as Lord, God, and Saviour because salvation only comes from faith.

Friday, 25 June 2021

The Singer and the Reverend Podcast: Why does God allow us to Suffer?

Why does God let us suffer and how should we respond in prayer?

Ace and Adam talk about the different kinds of suffering and how we should process it internally, then pray to the Lord.

Listen to the episode here.

The Singer and the Reverend Podcast: Introductions

 So my friend Ace and I have started a podcast: "The Singer & The Reverend." Each week we explore apologetics or living the Christian life in about 30 minutes per episode (except this first week!)

In this the first episode we find out the origin stories of our hosts.

We talk about our childhoods and how one of us converted from drink, drugs and food to Jesus and the other awoke one night to the Holy Spirit guiding him towards ministry.
Ace also performs an acoustic version of one of his tracks, Found - which is lyrically about how he found God.

Check it out here and subscribe for future episodes!

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