Tuesday, 15 October 2019

(SERMON) Incarnation, Apollonaris, and Nestorius: John 6.35-51

The doctrine of the incarnationGod in the fleshis utterly foundational to Christianity.  The belief that Jesus is 100% God and 100% human, that he is the God-man, is the truth upon which our hopes and salvaiton rest.

But what does all of this actually mean?

The Early Church was divided between the teachings of Alexandria and Antioch, between the errors of Apollonarianism and Nestorianism. It had to find the biblical middle ground and did so at the Council of Chalcedon in 451ADwhat was taught there, and is taught in the Bible, should impact our daily lives and even our theology of the Lord's Supper.

Friday, 11 October 2019

(SERMON) Matthew 11.16-30 (09/07/2017)

People always find excuses to reject God, God reveals Himself to those like little children but hides from the arrogant, rejecting Him leads to damnation, accepting Him leads to perfect peace and a serene rest such as words cannot describe.

(This is an older sermon from my uploading backlog)

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