
Sunday 9 January 2022

(SERMON) Lamentations 3:1-27 When you don't feel God's love and Presence...

 Often it feels like God doesn't hear our prayers, God isn't there--in fact often it can feel like He is purposefully against us.  Even God's great prophet Jeremiah felt this way.  The beauty of Lamentations as a book is that it gives us permission to be real and honest about when we just lose hope and God seems absent in our lives.

But though we feel dejected and broken, feel that God is against us or absent, feel as though our prayers go unheard, the truth is that facts don't care about feelings.  God does hear our prayers, God is not out to get us, God is right there and in Christ Jesus has been through all that you are going through.  Great is His faithfulness and His mercies are new each morning.  

We are not to be Christians because we think it will make us happy, we are to be Christians because of who the unchanging God is and what He has done.  When we see this we find the hope that carries us through the dark spiritual deserts.

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