
Wednesday 11 May 2016

Books I've read in the past year.

I love books. I spend a lot of time and inordinate amounts of money on books. Books are life itself!  

People often ask me what I am reading, and the answer is usually complicated - I often have five or more books on the go at once. Some books I read in one sitting, some I read over two days, some drag on for a few months. Below is a list of books I have read over the past year and a bit (from about January 2015 but I don't keep a tally so I may have missed some off). They are in no particular order though I have created sections to make it easier to see. I have put an * beside the books I would most highly recommend in each section.   For the commentaries section I have included commentaries of which I have read at least the majority of the book but not the whole thing - all of these were read in preparation for sermons and sermon series and so I didn't always have to read every page.

Just for fun I have also included at the bottom a list of the fiction, fantasy, and comic books I have read - the books I escape into at the end of a rough day, books which offer me something completely and utterly different from everything real in my life! As with my other books, I have a somewhat rather eclectic taste.

  • Old Books
    • The Lord's Supper - Thomas Cranmer*
    • Christian Leaders of the Seventeenth Century - J.C. Ryle
    • The Book of Common Prayer in its history and interpretation with special reference to existing controversies 1866 - Richard Paul Blakeney
    • The Principles of Theology - W. H. Griffith Thomas
    • Old Anglicanism and Modern Ritualism - F. Meyrick*
  • New Books
    • Preachers, Pastors, and Ambassadors - various
    • A Fragile Unity: anti-ritualism and the division of Anglican Evangelicalism in the Nineteenth Century - James C Whisenant
    • Our Inheritance of Faith: A Commentary on the Thirty-Nine Articles - Martin Davie
    • The Effective Anglican - ed. Lee Gatiss
    • Reformation Anglicanism: BIblical, Generous, Beautiful - Chuck Collins
    • Divine Allurement: Cranmer's Comfortable Words - Ashley Null*
    • Instruction in the Way of The Lord: A guide to the catechism of the BCP - Martin Davie
    • A Fruitful Exhortation:A Guide to the Homilies - Gerald Bray
    • Till Death us Do Part: The solemnization of Matrimony in the BCP - Simon Vibert
    • God Truly Worshipped - ed Jonathan Dean
    • Royal Priesthood in the English Reformation - Malcolm Yarnell III*
    • The Collects of Thomas Cranmer - C Frederick Barbee & Paul Zahl
    • The Devout Prayers of Thy Church - Peter Blake

  • Burn Out
    • Mad Church Disease - Anne Jackson
    • Crazy Busy - Kevin deYoung
    • Leading on Empty - Wayne Cordeiro*
  • The Baxter Model: guidelines for pastoring today - Bishop Wallace Benn
  • Evangelism - J Mack Stiller
  • Expositional Preaching - David Helm*
  • Church Discipline - Jonathan Leeman
  • Church Elders - Jeramie Rinne
  • Church Membership - Jonathan Leeman*
  • I Am A Church Member - Thomas Rainer
  • Online Mission and Ministry - Pam Smith
  • Liturgy and Liberty - John Leach
  • Simplicity in Preaching - JC Ryle*
  • 100 Ways to Get Your Church Noticed - Neil Pugmire
Moral and Patoral:
  • Understanding Gender Dysphoria - Mark Yarhouse*
  • Same Sex Attraction
    • Christian Faith and Same-Sex Attraction: Eastern Orthodox Reflections - Thomas Hopko
    • Can you be gay and Christian? - Michael L. Brown
    • What does the Bible teach about Homosexuality? - Kevin deYoung*
    • The Bible and Homosexual Practice - Robert Gagnon

  • Can Christian Men and Women be friends? - Joshua D. Jones
  • Mental Health
    • Depression: A Rescue Plan - Jim Winter
    • Spurgeon's Sorrows - Zack Eswine*
    • Bi-Polar Disorder: The Ultimate Guide - Sarah Owen & Amanda Saunders
  • Forgotten Factors of Sexual Sin - Roy Hession*


  • The Historical Adam: Four Views - various
  • The Law and Gospel: Five Views - various
  • The God Who Justifies - James White
  • The Holy Trinity - Robert Leetham*
  • For us and for our Salvation - Lee Gatiss*
  • The Future of Justification - John Piper
  • Given for you: reclaiming Calvin's doctrine of the Lord's Supper - Keith A Mathison
  • A Puritan Theology: Doctrine for Life - Joel R Beeke and Mark Jones
  • A Case for Historic Premillenialism - ed. Craig Blomberg and Sung Chung*
  • Without Precedent: Scripture, Tradition, and the Ordination of Women - Geoffrey Kirk
  • Hearing Her Voice: A Biblical invitation for women preachers - John Dickson*
  • Are We Together? - R.C. Sproul*
  • Wycliffite Spirituality - eds J. Patricl Hornbeck II, Stephen E. Lahey, & Fiona Somerset
  • From Heaven He Came and Sought Her - eds David Gibson & Jonathan Gibson

Sermons and Tracts:
  • Discovering Romans - S Lewish Johnson Jr.
  • The New Park Street Pulpit Vol.1 - Charles Spurgeon*
  • The New Park Street Pulpit Vol.2 - Charles Spurgeon*
  • Jonah: His life, character, and Mission - Patrick Fairbairn
  • Are You Ready for the End of Time? J.C. Ryle
  • Churches Beware! - J.C. Ryle
  • God is For Us - Simon Ponsonby*
  • The One Year Book of Discovering Jesus in the Old Testament - Nancy Guthrie

Charismatic Theology and Practice:

  • Surprised by the Power of the Spirit - Jack Deere
  • The Beginner's Guide to the Gift of Prophecy - Jack Deere
  • The Beginner's Guide to Spiritual Gifts - Sam Storms
  • Stranger to Fire: When Traditions Trumps Scripture - ed. Robert Graves *
  • God Inside Out - Simon Ponsonby*
'Popular' Theology:

  • Crazy Love- Francis Chan*
  • Stop Asking Jesus into your Heart - J.D. Greear
  • Taking God at His Word - Kevin DeYoung*
  • The Good News We Almost Forgot - Kevin DeYoung
  • A Call to Spiritual Reformation - Don Carson
  • PROOF: finding freedom through the intoxicating joy of irresistible grace - Daniel Montgomery and Timothy Paul Jones
  • The Hyper Grace Gospel: a response to Michael Brown and those opposed to the modern grace message - Paul Ellis
  • Surprised by Grace: God's relentless pursuit of Rebels - Tullian Tchividjian
  • Glorious Ruin: how suffering sets you free - Tullian Tchividjian
  • Evidence for the Gospel - Clive Anderson & Brian Edwards
  • For Calvinism - Michael Horton
  • Chosen for Life - Sam Storms
  • God's Unwelcome Recovery - Sean Oliver-Dee
  • The Calvary Road - Roy Hession*

  • Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries
    • Joel and Amos - David Hubbard
    • Obadiah, Jonah, and Micah - David Baker, T. Desmond Alexander, & Bruce K. Waltke
    • Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi - Andrew Hill
  • The Preacher's Commentary: Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah - Lloyd J. Ogilvie
  • Teaching Amos - Bob Fyall*
  • New American Commentary
    • Hosea and Joel - Duane Garrett
    • Amos, Obadiah, Jonah - Billy Smith & Frank Page
    • Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah - Kenneth Barker & Waylon Bailey
    • Haggai and Malachi - Richard Taylor & E Ray Clendenen
    • Mark - James Brooks
    • Acts - John Polhill
  • The NIV Application Commentary
    • Hosea, Amos, Micah - Gary Smith
    • Haggai and Zechariah - Mar Boda
    • Jonah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah - James Bruckner
    • Acts - Ajith Fernando*
  • Zondervan Exegetical Commentary*
    • Matthew - Grant R. Osborne
    • Mark - Mark Strauss
    • Acts - Eckhard Schnabel
  • Pillar New Testament Commentary
    • Mark - James Edwards
    • Acts - David Peterson
  • Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament
    • Acts - Darrel Bock
  • Christ-centered Exposistion
    • Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi - Micah Fries, Stephen Rummage, & Robby Gallaty*

  • R.A. Salvatore
    • Gauntlgrym
    • Neverwinter
    • Charon's Claw
    • The Last Threshold
    • The Companions
    • Night of the Hunter
    • Rise of the King
    • Vengeance of the Iron Dwarf
    • Archmage
  • The Return of Nagash - Josh Reynolds
  • The Fall of Altdorf - Chris Wraight
  • G. M. Berrow
    • Twilight Sparke and the Crystal Heart Spell
    • Pinkie Pie and the Rockin' Pony Party
    • Rainbow Dash and the Daring Do Double Dare
    • Rarity and the Curious Case of Charity
    • Applejack and the Secret Diary Switcheroo
    • Fluttershy and the Furry Friends Fair
    • Princess Celestia and the Royal Rescue
    • Lyra & BonBon and the Mares from S.M.I.L.E
    • Daring Do and the Masked Thief of Marapore
  • MLP:FiM Offical Guidebook - ed. Brandon T. Snider
  • The Journal of Two Sisters - Amy Keating Rogers
  • IDW Comics (various artists and authors)
    • MLP:FiM Omnibus vol.1
    • MLP:FiM Omnibus vol.2
    • MLP:FiM 'fiendship is magic' omnibus

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